LadyChordewa's Journal

LadyChordewa's Journal


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2 entries this month

07:06 Oct 18 2011
Times Read: 570

A couple days ago, I answered the door to the Jehovah's witnesses. For once, I was in the mood to talk to them.

It was an interesting conversation. Starting with the flyer they had left me about, “Who is the evil in the world?”. I again explained that my fiance' was Pagan and I was Methodist. The older woman immediately crossed herself. This time, I got mad.

I asked why she was crossing herself for a religion that she owes her religion too. She took offense to this, but I continued to explain that Pagan religion is similar to saying, “I'm Christian”. That there are many paths under “Paganism”, that what was spread by the Pope, was the hope that more people would come over to Christianity, with the thought that Paganism was evil.

I looked her dead in the eye and asked her if she understood that most of her major holidays, were Pagan holidays in disguise. The woman was getting mad, but her younger partner, stepped in and turned my attention to her.

She asked me, who had poisoned me to the church. I said, “Ummm, the Church.” I explained about the different incidents that I have had throughout my life, where I was told, no matter how good a person I was, no matter how many lives I saved, I wasn't good enough, unless I was Baptised, Saved or given Communion.

She stated to me, “Well we don't push our religion on anyone.”

I said, with great sarcasm, “Stop. Sorry but you walk up to MY door, ring MY bell and immediately shove a flyer in my face and you 'don't put our religion on anyone'??? I'm sorry, but that is a blantant lie. If we were in public and the conversation came up, then fine, but the fact that you are knocking on doors, is you pushing your religion down my throat.”

I explained that I have my own relationship with God, since organized religion has left a bad taste in my mouth. They tried to tell me it wasn't enough, to have my own relationship with God.

I told them flat out, “So, you want me to be like a Baptist and be Saved, simply because supposively my ancestor, Eve, ate an apple and gained knowledge. Or do you want me to be like my in-laws, who would drink, backstab, gossip and just be totally mean, because come Sunday, I will get Absolution and Communion and the slate will be wiped clean, only for me to continue with being the same way. Sorry, not interested. I have my own relationship with God. My fiance' is a good man, we have similar morals and beliefs and we love each other. Here is the big thing......he loves me and HE DOESN'T PUSH HIS RELIGION ON ME.”

“So, you don't want us to come back?”

I smiled. “No, I want you to come back and talk to my fiance' and learn a bit about the religion you should be grateful for. He is frustrated that you never come on Wednesday or Saturday when he has a day off, so he can have a conversation with you. If you wish to come back on those days, please do. But please, don't say, you don't push your religion on me.”

I was nice and closed the door. Took great pains, not to slam it in their face. We will see if I get someone else that comes to the door. Now to deck this place out for Halloween.....hehehehe



11:22 Oct 18 2011

I'm so glad I don't live in an area frequented by religious door knockers. Or any door knockers.

You handled that MUCH better than I would have. :P

11:44 Oct 18 2011

You go girl.

01:34 Oct 20 2011


Good for you, sugar. I had a friend of mine who got tired of their holier than thou attitude, and the next time they knocked he opened the door wide enough to reveal his altar and all it's accoutrements. Suffice it to say, they never came back again...lol


05:28 Oct 09 2011
Times Read: 604

Ok, bit of a rant. Calling all Wiccans to give your opinion on this rant.

I am a Christian woman that believes in God, but I also was brought up to believe that there are probably more than just one God (or Goddess). I live with a Wiccan man, that grew up in the religion. So, the knowledge that I have, is from talking and learning from him and from the other Wiccan's on this site.

I have a friend named Kate, back in West Virginia. When her abusive alcoholic husband came after her and her two sons with a shotgun, I took them into my house. We continued to be friends. So, when I was kicked out of my house in Janurary of 2007, she took me and my two dogs in. I didn't like her husband and apparently that feeling was returned. He pushed for her to kick me out. I eventually went to a hotel, but not before her husband badgering her about me. Now you have to understand, Kate is a very religionous woman. Has been for years. She crossed herself, when she saw I was reading Harry Potter. I challenged her to read it, before condemning it. Her religion was her soliste.

I recently started chatting with her again and she told me her husband wanted a divorce. This usually meek mouse of a woman, was angry and pissed off. I loved that she had found her strength and realized that she didn't deserve to be treated like this. But tonight, she informed me that she had converted. She is now a Wiccan. That struck me as strange. Here is the conversation, you tell me if you feel the wrongness too. Now remember, I'm Christian and know that there are many paths that takes the form of being Wiccan, but what I always understood about the Wiccan religion, was you don't use your power to cause harm.

Kate: I have converted to Wicca

LadyC: You have?

Kate: yes

LadyC: Interesting, Josh is Wiccan. Why the convert?

Kate: power, mostly

LadyC: In what way? Most Wiccan religions are passive

Kate: my brother has been Wiccan for years, he's def not passive

LadyC: Ok, I guess the question, is do you want the power to harm your husband, or the feel more powerful to deal with him?

Kate: either or would work for me, my brother offered to help, he's quite powerful

LadyC: You do realize, that harming someone with magic, crosses the line out of Wiccan.

Kate: oh well, drastic times call for drastic measures, I know it violates the rede

LadyC: Just don't taint yourself too badly hon. Let your brother play, but those are powerful magics that he would be calling. You can borderline the rede. Just crossing it, by asking harm to come to him, is not good. Borderline it by inviting bad luck to him...that sort of thing.

Kate: I will do no harm, only wishing it. I asked the Goddess to avenge me

(At this point, I am shaking my head, knowing that this isn't what I understand of the religion.)

LadyC: Does your wiccan path believe in Karma....Most wiccan, does. That it will come back on you threefold. What path does your brother follow?

Kate: yes, I know; my brother warned me about that. I figure I've already paid my dues

LadyC: Might be better off to ask the Goddess to help you....make you successful, feel powerful....

But it could make things worse in your life. This isn't something you dabble in. I know you are angry and frustrated, but becoming a witch just to get vengeance isn't right hon.

Kate: I have been called by Her all of my life and was too afraid to answer because of all the crap the Christian church fed me, this was only the final push

LadyC: I would leave it to your brother sis....until you are more familiar with the craft

Kate: I have pledged Her and will not renounce it

LadyC: I'm not asking you too

Kate: I will learn; I do not intend to curse him. I only asked Her for Her vengeance against one of Her own. I have no intention of dabbling with dark power. I already know that is very dangerous. Made that mistake back in my teens.

anyway, I'm gonna hit the shower, girl

my butt's getting sore from sitting on this couch

LadyC: Ok.Take care of yourself

Now you tell me....I get the feeling she is not in her right mind. To do a radical change of religion, simply because her husband cheated on her and demanded a divorce.....doesn't feel right. But I am not of the Wiccan faith, so hopefully what I did know, was correct. What do you think?



05:44 Oct 09 2011

Perhaps she would be better off with a left hand path of paganism thAn wicca if that's the case

06:34 Oct 09 2011

I am not of either faith... yet I can understand both very well...

06:41 Oct 09 2011

Maybe Kate can join a ... Christian Wicca religion.



Trinitarian Wicca is the correct name of the tradition often generalized into a practice called Christian Wicca. Trinitarian Wicca is a tradition based on American Wicca, boasting no direct lineage. Trinitarians work exclusively with the Goddess-inclusive Christian Pantheon. This tradition is not eclectic nor is it ChristoPagan because our devotion lies exclusively with the Christian pantheon. Trinitarian practitioners celebrate the Wiccan Way, observing the 8 Sabbats, the 13 Esbats, and upholding the Wiccan Rede.

For the Trinitarian path, there are no trappings of Patriarchal Christianity. We do not have conflicts with the Bible, because we work directly with the Gods and Goddesses; church dogma does not have a place in our ritual structure. Concepts such as the original sin, salvation, baptism, heaven, hell, and Satan are not conflicting topics for Trinitarians. They have no place in Wicca at all; as Trinitarian Wiccans, we do not differ in this belief. There is nothing fundamental about Christian or Trinitarian Wicca.

As for Christian Wicca, the term Christian is used as a modifier for the pantheon observed in this particular practice of Wicca, much like the concept of Celtic Wicca. Starting in October of 1999, Christian Wicca began on Yahoo Groups as a working title reflecting the an eclectic practice of American Tradition of Wicca. By 2002, this path developed it's name, the Trinitarian Tradition. This tradition evolved as a group of Wiccan practitioners focused on a Goddess-inclusive Christian trinity.

The mere term Christian Wicca upset so many people both Christian and Wiccan, that it actually got in the way of the true meaning of the path. That was never our intent. While the term Christian Wicca was more descriptive, Trinitarian Wicca is far more accurate and far less controversial. However, by the time the book came out - the working term had become popular and it was hard to express the concepts of Trinitarian Wicca without using the term Christian in the definition.

07:56 Oct 09 2011

It sounds like you already know the answers you are seeking here. Your friend is on her own chosen path but with every choice comes a nagitive and positive effect. You tried to get her to look at her choices but in the end she already chose soon as she got her brother involved. It doesn't matter who throughs the magic around if its meant to do harm and she reqeusts it in her heart and to the goodess she will be held responsible right along with her brother.

Some times it's best to just move forward even if you feel wronged because in the end carma would of visited her husband from his own doings, there is a positive and a negitive to every choice even his. As for her changing her religion that is her choice but like I said choices can slapp you right in the face so can wake up calls.

08:11 Oct 09 2011

Wicca is a funny thing, there are a lot of variations calling themselves Wiccan. It isn't one size fits all. It is like Christianity with many forms. Personally I have a difficult time blending Christianity with Wicca. The average Christian would too but I know these types of groups are popping up. I'm neither one of them.

She'll learn over time. Sounds more like sorcery with a Wiccan flavor in the way they are doing things. Traditional Witchcraft is different. They don't have all the rules as in Wicca and they will protect their own even if it means a curse. They are left to their own conscience and not condemned or warned about consequences. They don't follow the Rede or the Law of Three etc.

There are a few groups who are actually practicing hoodoo but calling it Wicca as well. It's a matter of belief system as to what is right and what is wrong.

19:15 Oct 09 2011

She is miscalling herself a wicca. Wicca has that threefold law or the three fold leash as those in the left hand path call it. She should look into satanism or luciferianism as both paths will give her the power to do as she will.

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